How many times you have purchased a product after read you the sales letter?
How many times did you have purchased a product after recalled several times?
(I) a written sales letter Gets a rate of 1 %.signifie that only 1 per 100 people will buy if contact you with the other prospects forward 99.Les recalled in the life of the product and contribute to create the relationships.
Examine the differences between the sales letters and automatic
1. the length of the content of the
The sales letter is usually a time it takes considerable time to short and long sale lire.Lettres are often the discussion, but if a person is very interested in your product that you have no problem with the reading of all fact contenus.Le is only a small percentage of visitors will buy the product.
What happens with 95% or more, buy the product?
You'll never again if you have contact information and follow them.
With autorépondeur, there should be a few paragraphs on the content of any e-mail that allows the visitor to quickly and easily read the short section of the content for a few days will be sent to different parts of the content.
2. the frequency of contact
Visitors will only see the sales pages if you are deploying a series of posts to your autorépondeur to send back to the sales page.most people are removed easily and quickly forget what can read and move to the next task is to capture their attention and the report differs from all other systems for the detection of attention, you want to stay permanently in contact with automatic use.
3 Variuantu vs talk
Sales letter, the contents of your product includes variuantu www.eatalytorino .it as preaching to the person that the content of the correction is mean by personne.Il participates in a conversation with this personne.lorsque you write your emails imagine only autoreponder of series that speak you to the person, if you talk to their topic a cup of café.faire not commercial use taalhet follow is gone.
More content to content and 20% of 80 %.par example hauteur.écriture wrote a series of emails 5, 4 of them must be contained and 1 pitch the product.
Create an account autorépondeur.créer an opt in a short message of landing if free pageWrite offers get some visitors opt-inWrite E-mail messagesCreate sellWrite product on sales of the product page
When visitors subscribe to your arrival, it automatically starts the e-mail messages received within within a few days or a few semaines.Après read your email may get redirect to a sales page.
This strategy allows to double the sales of your autorépondeur.
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